

Throughout history, herbs have always represented more than simple bits of botany. More than their medicinal properties. Even more than their culinary uses. Much more than any scent or colour. And ever so much more than the simple beauty they lend to any space they inhabit.

Why so much faith in simple plants? When did someone decide that a little herb plant had the power to change their life in some way? Who began to put their faith in the power of a plant to protect them? To bring good fortune?

When did folks figure out that herbs could do more than simply season a dish or heal the sick and wounded? Somewhere along the line, this faith took root and has survived throught the advent of science right through to today’s technology.

Protection from harm, to be planted outside the house: Mugwort, Rue, Juniper
Protection in the home, to be hung on windows: Dogwood, Chamomile, Figwort,
Protection provided in food: Anise (seeds used in baking)
Protection by bathing with : Cinquefoile, Vervain,
Protection by wearing or carrying on one’s person: Celandine, Heather, Violets, Cinquefoil, Pennyroyal, Scullcap
To protect and purify by smudging: Juniper. Rowan, Lemon Verbena

Chamomile, Basil, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Clover, Woodruff, Fenugreek, Honeysuckle,  Mint and Vervain

Chickweed, Lavendar, Meadowsweet, Rose, Passion flower, Lotus, Ginger, Jasmine, Lemon Verbena and Licorice

Blessed Thistle, Chamomile, Basil, White Clover, Fennel, Mugwort and St Johnswort

Oak acorns, Celandine, Calendula, Chicory, Figwort, Heather and Basil

Borage, Iris, Milk Thistle, Figwort, Meadowsweet and Marjoram
